gifts you’ve unpacked. If they had a smart mobile devices, it is understandable that you do not know what ever. Apple claims that the iPad 2 is a whole bunch of Christmas gifts in one and the same goes for smart phones and tablets from the competition.
How many giftsit eventually will, about the first decision-installed applications. Basic equipment and phones tablets just to the most important – calls, reading email, listening to music and Web browsing. The joy of the gift and extend its life and the right accessories.
* Znacka_konec_textu_zdarma *new iPhone owner, or even hilarious Motorola RAZR for the full enjoyment of the gift awaits first visit to the mobile operator – will need a new SIM card. The iPhone is really annoying, because without a SIM can not use the phone
first turn of the new smart devices implies the need for registration of a new phone. The whole procedure is on Android devices and Apple’s in Czech (with the exception of equipment imported outside the official distribution) and requires an Internet connection. If you do not have a data plan, just home WiFi. The computer is not needed, everything is right on the phone or tablet.
After you activate your phone is in your power – you can test the basic functions, camera, web browser and start downloading applications.
With or without a computer
Activation bypasses without a computer, but if you have your own phone, music, movies or photos, you’ll probably have to phone to the PC to connect. The Android’s possible that you have photos Picasaweb service, then the images show in the Gallery.
For phones and tablets need to install Apple’s iTunes software and set up synchronization. The iPhone and the iPad is also possible to start directly purchase music or movies in iTunes. Pictures taken with the iPhone or iPad can then wirelessly synchronize with your PC via iCloud services that are part of the equipment.
Internet almost necessary
Immediately after the first trial functions and download applications over the first home WiFi you can begin to decide what data plan to the new phone to take a . Smart phones can be used without the mobile Internet, but is not it. Even the most games and other applications requiring an Internet connection, and WiFi is everywhere.
For users with a new smart phone is the best purchase fare no time – to find out how much (or little) and use the data as quickly or encounter a limit on the amount of traffic, you can choose the tariff that will fit your needs, or cancel the date altogether.
Operators offers mobile internet for a day or a week with a prepaid card. Internet on the day the cheapest Vodafone, 17 crowns per day, T-Mobile wants 24 crowns per day. The week is mobile internet with O2 40 crowns, T-Mobile CZK 39 and is available to prepaid cards. Monthly access is at the cheaper option at 177 crowns, Vodafone, T-Mobile O2 139 CZK and 150 CZK.
phone is just the beginning
smart phone or tablet itself with the applications is not yet complete. At least tablets, but also phone deserve protection from scratches and dirt – the case. The range of accessories is just beginning.
time, you might want to use a smart phone as a music source for your living room or as a home theater. You can even use the phone outdoors without frozen hands. Everything is possible. Inspire you in our list of gifts for smart phones in the next gallery.
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